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Professor Jeffrey Andrews Honored by IEEE Communications Society

Professor Jeffrey Andrews Honored by IEEE Communications Society

Prof. Andrews Wins Best Paper Award

Prof. Jeffrey Andrews has been awarded the 2010 Best Tutorial Paper Award from the IEEE Communications Socieity, for his paper "Stochastic Geometry and Random Graphs for the Analysis and Design of Wireless Networks" in the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, which appeared in September 2009. Stochastic geometry is a relatively new field of applied probability that allows the uncertain locations of mobile communication devices, and the interference they generate, to be accurately but simply modeled using statistics. This has allowed new insight into the nature of sensor, ad hoc, femtocell, and whitespace networks, and is leading to more enlightened design practices and communication protocols.

This paper, available here, was the first tutorial of its kind in the literature and was co-authored with four other international leaders on the theory and applications of stochastic geometry to wireless networks: Prof. Martin Haenggi of Notre Dame, Prof. Francois Baccelli of ENS in Paris, Dr. Olivier Dousse of Nokia labs, and Prof. Massimo Franceschetti of UCSD. One award is given a year over all IEEE ComSoc journals and magazines. The chair of the awards committee was Prof. H. Vincent Poor, Dean of Princeton University.
