Two student teams in Prof. Jaydeep Kulkarni’s 382M.8 VLSI-II course won the inaugural Intel Outstanding ASIC Design Contest for their excellent performance in the final class project. A team of experts headed by Dr. Prashant Joshi from Intel Austin Design Center served as judges for this design contest. Teaching assistant Ms. Meizhi Wang helped students to familiarize with various EDA tools required for this ASIC design. ECE staff member Ms. Mary Matejka provided the administrative support and Ms. Breanne Ertmer helped in setting up the design contest.
Texas ECE would like to thank Intel Austin for their support!
Winning student teams:
1. High performance design team: Rishab Mehra, Arivarasi Kesawaram, Aishwarya Rajen
2. Low power design team: Xuezhi Teng, Hafizul Gafur